Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week one's practice

So far so good. I've managed to practice an hour each day. It's usually 20 minutes in the morning followed by a couple of 20 minute sessions each evening. The second round of evening exercises, however, begin with mucho fingertip pain. It's akin to running hot water on a sunburn. Ouch. That said, the pain has lessened considerably this past week. Unfortunately, everyone I've talked to said it will be a good 6 months for the real callouses to develop.

Right now, each lesson begins the same. I start by playing along the first 4 frets on each string with the first 4 fingers. Basically it's a chromatic scale. It might be a bit boring, but it's also where I've noticed considerable improvement on my dexterity and note striking (or would that be strumming?). Even my speed is increasing.

Once I run through this a few times, I move onto the C major scale. Again, noticeable improvement in accuracy and clean notes. Up the scale....down the scale...up the scale...down the scale.

Next, I simply practice the 4 chords Josh taught me in lesson #1. C...G...D...A. Nothing fancy here, just strumming them as whole notes. After fingering the chord, I pick each individual string to make sure they all ring out clean and true. For the record, they usually don't.

My transition between chords is nonexistent and that's a big source of frustration. Hopefully muscle memory and practice will speed this up. Otherwise, I'll need to stick to realllllyyy sloooowwww songs.

Finally, I finger pick Amazing Grace. It's a favorite of mine and has an easy enough melody. Toward the end of the first week, I got brave and actually resolved the song with a full out G chord. Whooo Hooo. Hey, it's the little victories.

Lesson number two's coming up!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The first Lesson

I felt like a school kid again as I sat in the front room of the studio, rental guitar by my side. The fact that I was older than all the fathers who were waiting for their kids to finish their lessons didn't go unnoticed. My good friend Dave reminded me that perhaps they were looking at me, wishing they had taken up guitar. Maybe you're right buddy. At any rate, I was a bit nervous and briefly thought about sneaking out the back door....except I couldn't find it.

After a short wait a young man emerged from one of the classrooms and called my name. I won't say anything about his hair or clothes because if I do, I will have officially turned into my dad, may he rest in peace. Josh was to be my instructor. A 20 something, known for having great people skills, and one of the teachers at the Flying Hands School of Arts.

After the handshakes and hello's we got down to business. He assessed both my musical as well as guitar background and charted a course of action. What impressed me most about Josh, was his ability to relate to his own experiences, as a one-time beginner, and let me know all the mistakes I made were common. Well, that and the fact that he didn't laugh.

30 quick minutes later I left with a handful of exercises and an excitement that this little journey's final underway. I also left with very sore fingers.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Apparently one of the first things you need when learning how to play the guitar is....well....a guitar. On the advice of a few friends, I decided to rent one for the first month or so. Armed with enough knowledge about guitar choices to be dangerous, I set out for the Doo Wop Shop to see what they had. Afterall, they sounded pretty helpful on the phone.

The salesman musician that met me at the door asked the time honored question; "Can I help you"
"Yes you may", I responded, " I would like to rent an acoustic guitar."
"How much do you want to spend?"
"I'm not sure, what are my options?"
"That depends on how much you want to spend"

(This could be a long evening in the used musical instrument section.)

"Let me start over", I said, "I've never played a guitar before and want to rent one in order to take lessons"
"I see", he replied, "The best thing to do then is try a couple out until you find one you like"

(Is this logic lost on anyone else?)

"Again, since I don't know how to play, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to tell much from the sound it makes when I drop it..." OK, I didn't really say that last part out loud. "...would you mind demonstrating a few for me"

He obliged and I settled on a Washburn D10S model with the traditional rental case. One thing's for certain, that guitar sounded good in the hands of talent.

After processing all the required paperwork, he sent me on my way with with a handful of picks and that "good luck" look.

OK, I'll admit I did spend a moment or two on-line trying to get a head start. I figured out how to play an A and G chord as well as finding my way around the melody line of Amazing Grace. So....with guitar, picks and checkbook in hand I am now awaiting my first lesson.


Monday, August 18, 2008

The Beginning

What better place to start than at the beginning. If we're honest, we all probably have some goals in life we hope to accomplish before it's too late. Yet most of us have no real plans on how or when this is going to happen, relying instead on our one day mentality. Simply hoping that one day we'll have the time, energy or money to get around to it.

Once a guy reaches a certain age, he can be pretty sure the Chicago Cubs won't be calling him to play second base. The next best way to experience major league baseball is at a Sports Fantasy Camp. While not my idea of a good time it is, for others, a way of fulfilling that dream...but only if they request a weeks vacation, pay the $3495 and buy a round trip ticket to Mesa, AZ. My point is, we generally need to take action in order to accomplish anything outside our routine here on planet Earth.

Since no one sets out early in life to experience the mundane or unpleasant (seriously, does anyone think one day they want to have a colonoscopy for the sheer pleasure of it?) it's safe to say these bucket list items would be things we think we might enjoy. If it's important enough to be a fun or exciting goal, dream or once in a lifetime moment then isn't it important enough for us to take action to make it happen?

One of my bucket list items is learning to play the guitar. Just mentioning taking up the guitar to others causes me a slight bit of embarrassment. Why? I don't know, maybe because it's a personal desire with no clear benefit. Maybe it's because 12 year olds across the country have already mastered it and I barely know a capo from a pick. At the age of 50 I certainly have no aspirations of a career on stage but I still have that inner teen wanting to pull out a 6 string and strum a few songs. Besides, it's cheaper than bagpipes and no kilts are involved.

What's this have to do with starting at the beginning? Well, this past week I took action to see where this guitar journey takes me. If you care to follow along, then here's where we start.
