Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Apparently one of the first things you need when learning how to play the guitar is....well....a guitar. On the advice of a few friends, I decided to rent one for the first month or so. Armed with enough knowledge about guitar choices to be dangerous, I set out for the Doo Wop Shop to see what they had. Afterall, they sounded pretty helpful on the phone.

The salesman musician that met me at the door asked the time honored question; "Can I help you"
"Yes you may", I responded, " I would like to rent an acoustic guitar."
"How much do you want to spend?"
"I'm not sure, what are my options?"
"That depends on how much you want to spend"

(This could be a long evening in the used musical instrument section.)

"Let me start over", I said, "I've never played a guitar before and want to rent one in order to take lessons"
"I see", he replied, "The best thing to do then is try a couple out until you find one you like"

(Is this logic lost on anyone else?)

"Again, since I don't know how to play, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to tell much from the sound it makes when I drop it..." OK, I didn't really say that last part out loud. "...would you mind demonstrating a few for me"

He obliged and I settled on a Washburn D10S model with the traditional rental case. One thing's for certain, that guitar sounded good in the hands of talent.

After processing all the required paperwork, he sent me on my way with with a handful of picks and that "good luck" look.

OK, I'll admit I did spend a moment or two on-line trying to get a head start. I figured out how to play an A and G chord as well as finding my way around the melody line of Amazing Grace. So....with guitar, picks and checkbook in hand I am now awaiting my first lesson.


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